Saturday, March 28, 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008


i fully realize how neglected this blog is
look for new moves coming to my website soon



till then,
enjoy these

Monday, July 21, 2008

Katherine and Paul

this was an unbelievable shoot.
i'd just returned from a weekend of fun aka little sleep,
and was a bit nervous as to my directing ablities.

never fear!
katherine was born to model
i present photo number 11

i've known paul since i had wit enough to know anything...
while not close friends, our parents ran in the same circles.
i was so excited when facebook informed me of his engagement

he's so kind and gentle
katherine said, "he treats me like a queen"

they were so willing to try any pose

paul, thank you for never hesitating to do random things like,
grab ankles

ring shot

this was all katherine
when we met to discuss locations a week ago she asked for water
she asked for wetness

i am ever obedient

did i use the word model yet?
my little heart is pitter-pattering at the thought of bridals

katherine is a tiny girl and paul strong,
we embraced the lifting poses with gusto!

congratulations you two.
abundant blessings

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Julian and Jude

julian loved the props his mommy dreamt up

jude was all for smooshing them

blue boy julian

jude in red

partial submersion was temporary

those boys looks weren't accidental
this is the lovely janelle

you may have noticed a change in editing...
that was magic

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

just-because portrait shoot

this is my sister, evangeline

and her cousin, alyson

friends since birth,
they are exactly 6 months apart to the day.

alyson lives in detroit,
so tangible face time is limited.

i love that we threw this together that day.

worked with existing clothes,

scouted out a new location,

picked up a couple of props,

set the mood...

all within a matter of hours.
sometimes it's not the epic moments that possess a shoot,

but a friendship
just an understanding that...

now is important.